All performers are required to purchase a weekend pass for $36.00
Concessional weekend passes for performers partners are $45.00 each.
Late performer passes can also be purchased below
Professional directors and accompanists get a free pass. Performers U18 are free
Groups: First, register your group on the Choir Registration Form. Then return here to pay for the passes.
You have the following options to purchase passes for your choir and partners:
1. Online booking with credit or debit cards
Each choir member can buy their own pass online. You can also purchase multiple passes, partner passes and free U18 passes.
To pay collectively for large groups we recommend the Direct Deposit method below.
When you click on the link below, you will then be transferred to the trybooking.com website for the transaction.
Please note that Trybooking charge a booking fee of $0.50 per ticket.
2. Direct Deposit
If you prefer to do a direct bank transfer to pay for you entire choir, you will need to submit your performer names on the Choir Registration Form and eft the funds to the Songfest account. Note: large groups may email a performer list to matt@songfest.com.au
SongFest Inc.
BSB: 066 107
Account No: 1070 8175
Reference: Your choir name